Kniha návštěv

S Polska

Jurek | 06.04.2013

I can't write in Czech, so I try to write in English (but my English is not well- sorry). I'm from Poland, from the town Klodzko (in Czech Kladsko). I like your music very much. I am interested in the text of your songs. I am interested also in Jan Nepomucky and there is a song of him on your CD (it's the best in my opinion) but I can't find the text to this song. Can you put the texts of your songs on this webside. I'm waiting for answer!!!!!

Re: S Polska

Martin | 25.04.2013

Děkuji za váš zájem, pokusím se přidat na veb naše texty a začnu samozřejmně Sv.Janem nepopmuckým :-)
Martin Baxa

Re: S Polska

Martin | 25.04.2013

Thank you for your interest. I try to add texts of our songs on the website and of course I start with St. Jan Nepomuk. :-)
Martin Baxa

Re: Re: S Polska

Jurek | 28.04.2013

Thank you so much for the music anf for the text. Now can I sing the song with you. It's great!!!
Where can I hear you on life. Do you give concerts?

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Kniha návštěv


03.02.2012 20:58
Zde nám můžete napsat své dojmy z poslechu našich písní atd...